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Smoked Headlamp Persona(rasanya leh membantu)
harini sya post first diy walaupun bukan sya buat tapi harap membantu ..
hehe-Persona headlamp model first punya
sumber dari abam (tacras)
barang2 yg diperlukan ialah tools untuk buka bumper,hairdryer tuk buka cover lampu,dan spray flat black
buka bumper dlu-tapi lau tk buka bumper takut calar dn tk leh buka cover tu..
panaskan tepi headlamp smpai gam hitam tu cair then leh la buka cover tu..
Keluarkan reflektor tu dengan menarik kedepan..
lepastu spray la reflektor tu dgn sekata dn kemas mcm ni..heheh
masukkan balik lampu dn cover headlamp-Untuk masukkan balik cover headlamp,kena panskan gam yg sedia ada
dekat headlamp tadi,agak dh cair skit leh la tekap balik dn kemaskan dgn menekan keliling headlamp agar tk
masuk air..
taddaaaaa..cantik tak??hehehe...
masukkan semula headlamp tadi dn ikat bumper dgn kemas..siap..
Hope DIY ni membantu ....

Dulu-Kini-Selamanya Proton PErsona Elegance(PE)
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Share2 je bro..heheeh

Dulu-Kini-Selamanya Proton PErsona Elegance(PE)
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ouchhh... bagus2x... kipidapAre_Mim wrote: yer bro..aritu ada member kita tnya dlm ni cra2 nk buat smoked lamp ni..tu yg sya post..hehehe..
Share2 je bro..heheeh

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Dulu-Kini-Selamanya Proton PErsona Elegance(PE)
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[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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kat GOMBAK pon ada tmpt kalo ko nak wat.....
tpi hrge aku tak pasti la kan.....
[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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tgk ade member PE kita post gambar kat FB mmg cantik (As attach), tapi bila tanye senyap je tak de respon, satu lagi mcm mane lampu dalam ring dia pon boleh gelap ek....
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[email protected]
JuNiOr [VIP] cOncEpt cAr
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