FC persona anda

12 years 9 months ago #20506 by aaronjansma
Replied by aaronjansma on topic Re: FC persona anda
cuba awk reset blik bg jd kosong, nnt lepas tu tgok brapa? time awl pagi timing tinggi kejap ja... dlm 3 minit mcm tu.. tu pun xlebih 1.5 rpm...keta awk mcmna?

kalau 8.2L tu agak tinggi, mcm awk bawa 150-160 KM/J ats highway.. :)

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12 years 9 months ago #20536 by freedom_blue
Replied by freedom_blue on topic Re: FC persona anda
aku punya sampai skrg 9.6L..mcm mana reset pun tetap dtg balik kat ni gak..tapi for me x boleh percaya kat meter ni sal minyak i memang safe pun. :)

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12 years 9 months ago #20537 by aaronjansma
Replied by aaronjansma on topic Re: FC persona anda
klau rasa minyak masih jimat, may be da problem kat sensor tu... :)

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12 years 9 months ago #20539 by MR-MFz
Replied by MR-MFz on topic Re: FC persona anda
8.6L xRM 1.9 (ron95) = RM16.34 untuk 100km...bukan jimat ke tue???


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12 years 8 months ago #20637 by Hazmy_Iman
Replied by Hazmy_Iman on topic Re: FC persona anda
FC aku masa drive kat highway: 5.5-6.5 L/100km
dkt Bandar Baru Bangi@Bonggol : 10L/100km

itu ikut meter.. kalau kira secara manual slalunya +0.2L/100km dari bacaan dari meter

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12 years 8 months ago #20801 by apeq50
Replied by apeq50 on topic Re: FC persona anda
Salam 1malaysia kawan2.....

aku nak tanye la ape perbezaan fc persona lama (side mirror telor ) gan FC Persona elegence yg baru sbb aku pernah bwk persona lama aku gok fc dy 6.4L/100km tp keta aku 8.7L/100km...? ade gak yang suh aku anta servis n tuning balik je sb dy guna computer tuk adjust betol ker?

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12 years 8 months ago #20814 by izz86
Replied by izz86 on topic Re: FC persona anda
try kira manual tengok... cth mula2 isi penuh... pastu drive kete n isi penuh balik tngk berapa harge n berapa km... pastu bahagi RM/KM... n try banding kan dengan persona lama sama ke tak...

kete aku FC tnjuk tinggi... tp bila kira manual minyak aku dalam RM 0.1666/km...

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12 years 8 months ago #20818 by loki_J
Replied by loki_J on topic Re: FC persona anda
da hampir 2 tahun da...fc maintain 8.7...kete pakai rim taiwan 17...skang x hirau sgt psl fc ni...bile major servis suh sc g reset fc suda...

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12 years 8 months ago #20825 by freedom_blue
Replied by freedom_blue on topic Re: FC persona anda
pasal reset minyak ni biasanya SC akan check rpm idle dgn condisi TB..kalau semua ok maksud fc pun ngam..suggest by SC bila service selalu letak cleaner bottle tu yg masuk kat tangki minyak (x ingat nama)..benada ni akan bersihkan system minyak dgn tb..

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12 years 8 months ago #20975 by mnazri34
Replied by mnazri34 on topic Re: FC persona anda
6.8L/100km kalau cruising jalan biasa.. speed 100-120kmj..
8.9L/100km kalau jalan jem.. aperr pn tak bulih.. haha :laugh:

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12 years 7 months ago #21004 by pejey
Replied by pejey on topic Re: FC persona anda
ptot la tiap kali servis rase sedap je kete pegi ..

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12 years 7 months ago #21208 by redranger143
Replied by redranger143 on topic Re: FC persona anda
Tergelak sy tgk post ko ni

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